Tuesday 31 May 2011

Blood Angels

Sanguinary Guard

Sternguard Veterans

Furioso Dreadnought

Librarian Furioso Dreadnought

Assault Squad

Assault Squad
As a side note, I am thinking about doing a small post on how I achieved the gold armour for the sanguinary guard, and maybe something on painting the models in general! I have a Stormraven for this army, should be completed in the next few days.

Monday 30 May 2011

First post and introduction

So first I will introduce myself a little bit and then go on to talk about my plans for this blog and what I intend to contribute towards the hobby!
I got into the hobby around 10 years ago, my first experience was walking past a  Games Workshop store and seeing some beautifully painted space marines in the window. Immediately I was hooked, however I didn't get into the actual gaming side of the hobby until 3 years ago when I started gaming with my housemates at university. 
Over the last three years I have learned a lot in the way of painting and modelling techniques and still intend to learn much more and expand my skills. Originally I played 40k with a tau army and learned fantasy when 8th edition was released last year and started with vampire counts using the mantic games miniatures for the great value! At present I do not have an army, I have just finished a blood angels force (pics forthcoming) that I will be selling, and am going to start tomb kings and dark eldar this summer! 
So after I a long period of just reading what others had to say about the hobby via the net, and starting to post on forums such as Bell of Lost Souls, I decided to start my own blog.
My plans for this blog are to post my projects as they go, plus new skills and techniques I learn along the way, as I also paint models to sell them through eBay, I am looking to sell models through this blog using PayPal, and avoiding the heavy eBay fees!