Friday 30 December 2011

Necrons on trade
This force is about 1500 points will be expanding it to around 2000 and touching it up to bring it up to table top standard! Will be for sale from the end of January for a very reasonable price! So stay tuned! 

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Necrosphinx WIP

So I have had this guy for a few months (assembled) just started painting him the other day going for the classic egyptian shabti look! Here's the progress so far

Monday 26 December 2011


Something a bit different for the holidays, also working on a warsphinx and have some necrons that will be up for sale hopefully soon, but more on that in the next few days!

Saturday 10 December 2011

Necron Deathmarks

So in this post I will be talking about the necron deathmarks, a quick overview and what I feel are the pros and cons of its existence in the necron codex.
First off the five man unit of deathmarks will set you back a measly 85 points, the second cheapest unit in the elites section of the book. For that you get, basic necron stats, reanimation protocols, hunters from hyperspace and ethereal interception. Hunters from hyperspace allows the unit (once deployed) to select an enemy non-vehicle unit to wound on a 2+ for the rest of the game (both shooting and close combat). Ethereal interception allows you to deepstrike after any enemy unit has arrived from reserve this means no reserve roll for you, however they are sitting there until your turn.
So that covers the rules for these guys, as for there uses in the game lets get cracking! Deathmarks are armed with synaptic disintegrators a sniper rifle with 24" range and rapid fire. So you lose a bit on range however they can move and shoot. Although these guys are snipers they are going to be looking at short range targets, which isn't too bad considering they can deepstrike. Let us also not forget they are one of the most flexible choices when it comes to reserve as they can arrive in your or your opponents turn and be pulled through a monolith straight out of reserve with no roll required! As for targets we are looking at monstrous creatures or special characters (and their body guards), with rending they have a chance against vehicles but not a great one. Personally I would use these in the minimum unit of 5 unless I were to use them in a defencive game where I might use 10 to help form a gun-line. At 85 points I think these are a good little unit to include for trouble shooting, although they take up a precious elites slot in certain armies that won't matter too much.

Sunday 4 December 2011

Some random work

So I finally got my 40k stuff and paints up to newcastle, got a lot of space marines and dark eldar to work on! Here are a few pics of the last things I was working on.

Monday 28 November 2011

Lychguard update

Been working on the metals, shields and swords! I will be trying a lightning effect on the swords and shields but will take a little time with free hand!

Sunday 27 November 2011

Necron Lychguard Part I

Will have some pictures with the base coats finished tomorrow, generally the army is coming along nicely and should be mostly done before christmas!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Necron Warriors Finished (Appart from bases)

Necron Warriors Finished

 Next up I will be working on a squad of Immortals with Tesla Carbines :)

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Necrons Update

Nearly finished the first squad of warriors, then will spend some time working on Trazyn the Infinite.

Sunday 20 November 2011

New Necrons

So I have been allowed to paint the necron army for games workshop in Newcastle, the design I came up with is to make the models look as though they are 'phasing in', so have them half hologram and half physical metal. I will let the pics speak for themselves!

After this squad of warriors, I will be working on some Lychguard and Trazyn! Stay tuned every other day for more pics!